Saturday, January 29, 2011


This five storey temple dedicated to shiva can be found further down beyond the hiranya varna Mahabihar. The water in the courtyard spring is said to come directly from the holy lake in Gosainkunda.
Another five minute walk brings you to the Durbar square where the ancient royal palace of patan is located. The British writer Landon had the following to say of the square at the beginning of this century:
As an ensemble, the Durbar square of patan probably remains the most picture-sque collection of buildings that has been set in so small a place by the piety and pride of oriental man.
Most of the building in the square were built in the 17th century by the famous malla King of patan, siddhinarsingh Malla. The Royal palace and Taleju temple stand on the left side of the square while the the temple of Krishna and a host of other temples stand on the right. patan`s biggest market place, the Mangal Bazar, is also around the square.


The temple of one thousand Buddha is about 10 monutes walk south of the Durbar square. it is slightly out of the way and you may have to ask directions as it is located in a courtyard surrounded by buildings and not easily visible despite its height. originaly constructed in the 14th century,the terracota, indian-style temple was severely damaged in the 1934 earthquake and later rebuilt. Each of the bricks in the building contains an image of Buddha. inside there is a shrine dedicated to MayaDevi, the mother of Buddha. it is said that this temple is similar to the one in Bodh Gaya where Buddha received enlightment. you can climb the buildings around the courtyard to photograph the temple and obtain a fine view over patan`s rooftops.
The temple of red Machendranath is a little way out from the center of town and has a fine image of Avalokiteswara,Red Machendranath which is taken around the town during his festival in june each year

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The best known temple to the Goddess kali, the terrifying, is located on the southern edge of the valley. To get there takes about 40minutes by car passing the narrow chobhar gorge on the way, through which flows the Bagmati River. There are several travel agencies which organize conducted as well as private tours to the temple. you can also do it on your own cheaply. The main reason for visiting the temple is to watch ritual animal sacrifice. The best day to visit Daxinkali is saturday when crows of Nepalese journey there to sacrifice chickens and goats to the goddess. Tuesday is another, quieter, sacrificial day.
The temple is at the bottom of a steephill with a small stream flowing close by. After their rapid despatch the animals are brought home for a feast. many Nepalese families make a "vow" that if a certain wish were to be fulfilled, they would offer a goat to the goddess. many of the goats witch you see being sacrificed are brought there in this manner. it is interesting to note that sacrifices are always be made to the goddesses and must always be made with young male animals. Before sacrifice of any animal, cold water is always sprinkled over it so that it shakes its shoulders. such an act is supposed to signify the fact that it has given its consent for being sacrificed.


The image of sleeping vishnu at bhudanilkantha is probably the largest reclining image of vishnu in the world. to get there, you can take a bus in the morning from jamal or alternatively you can travel by bus or tempo to bansbary, the site of a shoe or leather factory set up with chinese assistance . from there it is about an hour`s walk . the energetic could walk all the way from downtown kathmandu in a couple of hours or best of ride by bicycle. vishnu, sleeping on the bed of snake, is supposed to have been carved from stone in the 11th century. according to legend vishnu sleeps contnuously for four months of each year . falling asleep with the beginning of the monsoon and awakening when it is over . Each july (when he falls asleep ) and November thousands of pilgrims come here for big fair on the day he is supposed to wake up. The name budhanilkantha has nothing to do with Buddha.Another legend tells of the discovery of the image. A farmer was tilling his field one day and was terrified to find blood coming from the ground at the spot where his plough struck something. An excavation revealed the beautiful image of sleeping vishnu.prayers take place here every morning around 9am. But the king of Nepal are not supposed to go near the image. should the king, who is himself supposed to be an incarnation of vishnu, gaze upon his own image, it is said that he would be cursed . Asmaller replica of the image has, therefore, been constructed near the swimming pool at Balaju for the king to visit if he so desires.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The temple of changunarayan situated on a hilltop north of Bhaktapur is sufficiently inaccessible that few visitors  make the effort to see it. if you are interested in art and architecture and are willing to take a few hour`s walk in the countryside, then you will find a trip to this place very worthwhile. changunarayan has several masterpieces of 5th and 12th century Nepalese art as well as the oldest stone inscriptions in the valle.
To reach changunarayan from Bhaktapur takes about two hours on foot. The pagoda stule temple is dedicated to Narayan or vishnu. The temple itself is not very old, perhaps two centuries, but the site is at least 15centuries old. A Garuda, the mythical man-bird mount of vishnu, stands infront of the temple with folded hands. it is supposed to have been set up in the 5th century and is one of the most important attractions in the valley as it is a masterpiece of art. infront of the statue is the oldest stone inscription in the valley made in Gupta script and dating back to the same century .


Pashupatinath is the most famous temple in Nepal and is located on the route to Bodhnath. Although non-Hindus are not allowed inside the temple you can cross the river and view the temple from  the hill on the other side. near the entrance you will see many people selling flowers, incense and other offerings to be made to the deity.inside is the golden pagoda and on the river  banks you can sometimes see dead bodies beings cremated on platforms. the Bagmati is a holy river(although not quite as holy as the Ganges) and there is also a bathing as well as a burning ghat .
pashupati, Lord of Animals, is supposed to represents shiva and the black image inside the temple has four heads. The temple itself is about three centuries old. it was renovated when the previous structures became decrepit. The idol is 600 years old . an earlier one was broken by moslem invaders in the 14th century. The big bull, shiva`s animal, inside the temple was built in the last century. The small bull in front of the temple is about three centuries old. once when i visited the temple (only the entrance ) with a minister of french government ,  he was so overcome by the site of it., he said "there are places like this where the spirit moves." some people are also reminded of Lourdes in france.